Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bye Bye Binky AGAIN

Matthew is almost 3 years old, and is ADDICTED to his binky. However, I believe his binky has been causing him to have a problem with properly articulating words in his speech, so I decided that the binky had to go "bye bye" yesterday. This is not the first time I tried to take it away (tried 1 other time with putting the binkies in a special bag on the door for the "binky fairy" to take and leave something special - obviously didn't go well). So, we collected his binkies and buried them in the backyard (deep in the ground so nobody retrieved them) in hopes that something special might "grow" in place of the binkies. Well...amazingly, when we woke up a "LOLLIPOP TREE" grew outside in that exact spot. Everyone was so excited about this stick tree with lollipops hanging on it. So far so good on being a big boy - just wondering if we have to pick a lollipop everyday from the tree for a while in order to keep Matthew happy with his choice to bury his binkies? And, his speech is ALREADY improving - go figure!

1 comment:

The Trotter Family said...

Yay, good job big boy! I wonder if I will have to do something like that with Brooklyn. Micah was easy, but they are all so different, so who knows. What a great idea!