Thursday, March 5, 2009

Don't wake the Mama

I have been waiting for the day that I could just lay in bed while my children make their own breakfast and entertain themselves. Well, it seems as though that day was today (or at least the beginnings of it)! My boys got up and got dressed upstairs. Then, my almost 5 year old took his almost 3 year old brother downstairs (as I got myself and the baby ready for the day upstairs), and proceeded to get the bowls, cereal and milk to the table. He even poured the cereal into the bowls (WITHOUT spilling). He decided to wait for me to pour the milk because it is too heavy for him. What a little man! They were both so proud as I walked downstairs to witness their accomplishment. It is in these moments that I feel like I might be doing something right during the chaos of motherhood.

1 comment:

The Trotter Family said...

Nice, I can't wait for the day when Micah doesn't come in at the crack of dawn whispering "Dad, can I have some milk and see Spongebob's on?"