Monday, August 24, 2009

(Wo)man Down, (wo)man down!

First, let me tell you just how much I LOVE breastfeeding. Obviously I do because I do it even when it makes me TERRIBLY SICK. This past weekend, after a fun-filled night with my hubby, my breast started to hurt like it was engorged, so I woke up baby for an extra feeding. Then, throughout the night I started getting feverish, achy, nauseous, and down right ill. My first thought was that I had a breast infection, so I rushed to the ER at 4:30 in the morning. I'm now on antibiotics, but OMG did I go through a lot after my trip to the ER. I was SOOOOOOO sick! THANK GOD FOR MY AWESOME HUSBAND, who took over everything!!!! I definitely chose well for my partner and father of my children. The doctor told me that I "can stop nursing now. You've done more than enough," but I disagree. Although this was a difficult experience to have, I would do ANYTHING to give my daughter the BEST. I will continue to breastfeed her until her and I are ready to stop. You fellow BFing moms understand ;)

1 comment:

jen said...

ouch - you did have a rough week huh? keep at it -- it's worth it!