Thursday, August 6, 2009

Double duty date

The boys have "chore charts" on which they earn stickers if they've completed their "chore" at the end of the day. So, tonight I decided I would take them out late (6:30 pm - woohoo!) for a date to the candy store to reward them for all the stickers on their charts this past week. I've always taken them out individually on dates, but never together, so I was looking forward to being with my little men. They were so excited to pick out Willy Wonka bars to win a "golden ticket." After they ate some chocolate, I took them to Walmart to put toys on their wish lists. I should have known to drive on home when they needed to be reminded a few times to behave BEFORE we got in the store. By the end of our time there, my blood pressure rose and both boys were crying because I cut our time short (due to not listening). They certainly influence each other to misbehave sometimes. FUN TIMES! At least I tried, right? I think I'll stick to one-on-one dates from now on.