Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I may be a little biased, but...

JennerRose Photography

Joseph is an amazing 4 1/2 year old boy! I went to his parent/teacher conference today, and found out many special qualities about my oldest son (not that I didn't know he was special :>) Number one, he is academically ready for kindergarten. Number two, he is ambidextrous - uses both right and left hand interchangeably to cut, write, etc. Only 25% of children his age have this trait. Interesting, eh? Number three, he has extreme empathy for others. If another child is crying, he will approach him/her and ask what is wrong and how he can make him/her feel better. How sweet is that! Number four, he is a strong leader. Supposedly, every day at school he organizes and assigns roles for the ENTIRE preschool class to play "monsters." Let's hope this quality will lead him to a successful career later in life. I could go on, but I don't want to sound too conceded (like I don't already?).

Ok - done bragging...

I just want to add something that he said today, so I don't forget (we call this a Josephism).
Joseph: I want to have my next birthday party at Chuck E.Cheese, and I'm going to invite
all the kids that don't have anything.
Mom: That sounds nice, honey. Why do you want to do that?
Joseph: Then I'll have goodie bags for them to have, and they won't be sad....(short pause) and
they can bring me a present, if they want, but they don't have to.
Mom: (Laughing while driving.) Sounds like a plan.

Guess it pays to show generosity to your children. We helped several needy families this past Christmas by giving them toys to give to their children.


The Trotter Family said...

What a sweet kid! You can brag all you want. I understand!

barbatron said...

WHat great pictures! ;)

That is one sweet little guy you have!!

The Kelly's Blog said...

That is precious. Great job Susan! it shows your parenting skills.