Saturday, May 15, 2010

Question answered

Tonight as we were watching "The Goonies," Joseph popped another one of his infamous questions. He asked, "Can girls who are not married be mommies?" I tried to figure out exactly what triggered the question, and exactly what he was asking. He frustratedly asked, "I mean, can a girl have babies before she is married?" Stumbling, fumbling on my own words, I tried to make my answer sound good..."Uh......ummmmm....if God wanted a baby to come before she was married, then yes, she can have babies before she gets married, but it doesn't usually happen that way." And, yes, that is how I rambled it off. I just had to chuckle in another room after that conversation because Joseph was born exactly 6 months after his daddy and I got married (can you see where I'm going with this?) Oh, if only I could keep that one a secret forever :) God brings new life into this world, each with a purpose, each in His timing and plan.

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