Let me start by saying that I am guilty of taking my husband for granted...anyone else? He often time comes home tired from work, and sometimes falls asleep when the kids do (after being up since 4 am), so I end up doing most of the work at home. BUT, whenever, wherever, however I need him, he is there. While I was down with pneumonia, not only did he care for the kids, but he cooked, cleaned, AND did laundry. Like I said before, he is AMAZING. How many women can say that their husbands could do their job AS GOOD as they could? I believe that my husband could do it just as good, if not better than me (that is very hard to type, being the prideful, stubborn person I am). As I came downstairs after being cooped up sick for 2 days, not only were the kids well taken care of, but the house was beautiful (floors mopped, kitchen clean, laundry washed, Christmas decorations out...) As I said before, I am truly BLESSED! Thank you, Ron, for going over the top to make ME happy! It sure made me feel loved :)